Blue Star

Blue Star

星期六, 19 09月 2020 11:27

What's new with Bluetooth 5

Double the speed,Four times the range,Eight times the broadcasting capacity

High speed mode

  • 2x data throughput
  • Faster over-the-air downloads
  • Reduce battery consumption

Long range mode

  • 4x the range with coded PHY rates of 125 kbps
  • Same TX and RX current consumption
  • Whole-house coverage

Advertising extension

  • Reduce load on advertising channels
  • Initiate long-range connections
The X-NUCLEO-IDB05A2 Bluetooth low energy expansion board is based on the BlueNRG-M0 BLE network processor module.
The BlueNRG-M0 is Bluetooth v4.2 compliant, FCC and IC certified (FCC ID: S9NBNRGM0AL; IC: 8976C-BNRGM0AL). It supports simultaneous master/slave roles and can behave as a Bluetooth low energy sensor and hub device at the same time.
The BlueNRG-M0 provides a complete RF platform in a tiny form factor, with integrated radio, antenna, high frequency and LPO oscillators.
The X-NUCLEO-IDB05A2 is compatible with the ST morpho (not mounted) and Arduino UNO R3 connector layout.
The X-NUCLEO-IDB05A2 interfaces with the STM32 microcontroller via the SPI pin and allows changing the default SPI clock, SPI chip select and SPI IRQ by replacing a resistor on the expansion board.
Make your applications more secure and connected with the STM32
The nRF52805 SoC offers Bluetooth LE high-throughput 2 Mbps and enhanced Channel Selection Algorithm #2, and 2.4 GHz proprietary protocols for cost-constrained applications such as disposable medical products, styluses, sensors, and beacons.
星期四, 17 09月 2020 19:56

Analog Device EVAL-ADICUP3029

Arduino based Wireless Development Platform for Internet of Things applications based on an ultra-low power ARM Cortex-M3 processor
星期四, 17 09月 2020 10:39

SENSOR CHINA Expo & Conference 2020

Sep.23-25,2020,Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Souring
Microchip news.IS206x
星期二, 15 09月 2020 22:46

Microchip BM71-XPRO Development Board

The BM71-XPRO board is designed to be able to easily add Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) functionality to your XPRO development tools. It can be used as an extension to your favorite SAMx or AVRx XPRO boards or can be used standalone. The BM71 XPRO is fully supported within Atmel Studio with example code in ASF3.
星期二, 15 09月 2020 21:47

Ease of use Microchip bluetooth modules

With Microchip Bluetooth Low Energy modules, there’s no need to be an RF expert or navigate the costly and time-consuming certification process. These modules come with global certification, preprogrammed firmware and a simple ASCII interface for ease of use. Each module’s data sheet also provides board placement and layout guides to further simplify your development.

  • Fully certified for use in USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan to save time and money
  • ASCII interface enables simple communication with host MCU
  • Preprogrammed with user-friendly firmware
  • Drop-in wireless cable replacement
  • High level of integration significantly reduces external Bill of Material and costs
Because delivering connected devices shouldn’t be complex. No matter what device you’re working on, or what market you’re in.Let’s simplify Intelligence with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.


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