Blue Star

Blue Star

In a passive-entry-passive-start (PEPS) automotive system using Bluetooth® Low Energy technology, drivers enter their car and start the electric motor (or engine, in the case of an internal combustion engine) using a key fob that communicates with the car’s access systems, instead of a key.
Connectivity overview
 Expanded portfolio of wireless connectivity devices across scalable memory and performance options.
Arm® Cortex® architecture
32kB to 352KB flash memory
20kB to 80kB SRAM with pin-to-pin compatibility
Across wireless connectivity protocols
Supporting a broad range of Bluetooth® Coded PHY, 2MB PHY, Extended advertising, Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1,Locationing, Mesh, Multiprotocol
Quarterly SDK releases with latest Bluetooth Low Energy features
Scalable Scalablefeatures
Integrated sensor controller, precision ADC, PA, coexistence BAW resonator
• Power output: +5dBm
• -97dBm sensitivity
• Sofware configurable
星期三, 23 09月 2020 22:20

Bluetooth Generic Attributes

Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) is built on top of the Attribute Protocol (ATT) and establishes common operations and a framework for the data transported and stored by the Attribute Protocol.  For more information on GATT, please refer to Volume 0, Section 6 of the Bluetooth® Core Specification.
To use the RX23W Bluetooth feature, a protocol stack conforming to the Bluetooth specification is required. Also, the Bluetooth-compliant profiles and mesh software enhance your Bluetooth product interoperability in a wide application area.
Bluetooth® Low Energy Wireless Solution to Accelerate Realization of IoT of Embedded Devices.

Single chip Bluetooth® 5.0 Low Energy application controller using popular ARM Cortex M4 core with dedicated Secure Crypto Engine

The EK-RA4W1 evaluation kit enables users to effortlessly evaluate the features of the RA4W1 MCU Group and develop embedded systems applications using Renesas' Flexible Software Package (FSP)and various IDEs.
Enhanced Security and Privacy for Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy Connections Supported with Flexible Software Package and Comprehensive Arm Ecosystem.

Renesas Electronics Corporation  introduced the first RA microcontroller (MCU) with an integrated Bluetooth® 5.0 Low Energy radio on 07 May 2020. The single-chip RA4W1 MCU includes a 48 MHz, 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 core and Bluetooth 5.0 core delivered in a 56-pin QFN package. Together, the RA4W1 MCU and easy-to-use Flexible Software Package (FSP) enables engineers to immediately begin development with Arm ecosystem software and hardware building blocks that work out-of-the-box with RA MCUs.

The RA4W1 MCU makes it easy for embedded designers to develop safe and secure IoT endpoint devices for Industry 4.0, building automation, metering, healthcare, consumer wearable, and home appliance applications. The MCU is also ideal for developing IoT edge devices for wireless sensor networks, IoT hubs, an add-on to gateways, and an aggregator to IoT cloud applications.

This LaunchPad™ speeds development with a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) connection using the CC2640R2F or CC2640R2L devices. The compatible SDK offers a fully qualified Bluetooth 5 protocol stack for single-mode BLE applications supporting high speed mode and example Bluetooth 5 coded physical layers (PHY) for long range mode testing. A Bluetooth 4.2 stack is also available.
The SimpleLink CC2640R2 Software Development Kit (SDK) delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on the Texas Instruments SimpleLink Bluetooth Low Energy CC2640R2F wireless MCU. This powerful software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink CC2640R2F users by packaging essential software components such as the Bluetooth low energy (BLE) protocol stack, TI-RTOS kernel and TI Drivers in one easy-to-use software package along with exhaustive documentation.
Low-power wireless standard to easily connect any product to smartphones or tablets


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