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Connectivity overview
 Expanded portfolio of wireless connectivity devices across scalable memory and performance options.
Arm® Cortex® architecture
32kB to 352KB flash memory
20kB to 80kB SRAM with pin-to-pin compatibility
Across wireless connectivity protocols
Supporting a broad range of Bluetooth® Coded PHY, 2MB PHY, Extended advertising, Bluetooth Low Energy 5.1,Locationing, Mesh, Multiprotocol
Quarterly SDK releases with latest Bluetooth Low Energy features
Scalable Scalablefeatures
Integrated sensor controller, precision ADC, PA, coexistence BAW resonator
• Power output: +5dBm
• -97dBm sensitivity
• Sofware configurable
栏目 蓝牙芯片
This LaunchPad™ speeds development with a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) connection using the CC2640R2F or CC2640R2L devices. The compatible SDK offers a fully qualified Bluetooth 5 protocol stack for single-mode BLE applications supporting high speed mode and example Bluetooth 5 coded physical layers (PHY) for long range mode testing. A Bluetooth 4.2 stack is also available.
栏目 开发板


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